Hello everyone!
We are holding our largest ever litter pick!! We have located a large area of litter that has been dumped in the woodlands at Benfield Valley. After many attempts to involve the council we have decided it is time to clear it ourselves and we would love for you to get involved! You will also be excited to know that the Sussex Wildlife Trust will be joining us!
We will be meeting at Greenleas car park on the 29th January, 10:30am.
Please wear appropriate clothing including footwear such as boots or wellies, as there is uneven terrain and a large amount of discarded rubbish. If you have gardening gloves it would also be a good idea to bring these along too.
If you don't have a litter pick you can book on the link below. If you have your own litter pick just show up!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best wishes, The BVP Team x
Photos of the task at hand: